Friday, July 25, 2014

College Student Nostalgia, or why I like watching Disney Channel at 12 am

Every time I come home from college I somehow end up watching old Disney and Nickelodeon shows with my sister. Seriously, we could be doing anything instead of this, and here we are watching reruns of “Victorious” until 1 in the morning. I could write a five paragraph essay of things I would probably think of doing before that. But, in that moment, I want to. Because I’m home again and I’m feeling nostalgic. Why do college students feel so nostalgic at home?

Commonly, people feel nostalgia when they’re lonely, and feeling those happy feelings of the past is a sort of defense mechanism. It helps to cope with the loneliness. Studies also show that anxious people feel nostalgia more often. So nostalgia is basically protection against sadness and nervousness. Another study also demonstrated that nostalgia can make people feel more optimistic about the future. So nostalgia helps with the present and the future.

Now, in my experience, college students tend to be stressed a lot. (If your experience was different, contact me and tell me your secret because I want it.) But even so, at home those feelings should be alleviated. So it probably isn’t the anxiety.

That leaves the loneliness. Having talked to several of my friends about differences between home and college life, there are definitely less people around at home than at school. At school, you live with your friends. At home, you have to actually get into a car and drive to their house. So there are more opportunities for loneliness at home.

You do miss your college friends at home. But at school you also miss your high school friends. So you really can’t win here. (I do get nostalgic for high school friends sometimes, but that is most always caused by loneliness instead of anything else.)

It’s also being surrounded by part of your life that you have effectively broken off from. It’s like going back to your preschool, you aren’t a part of it anymore, but you’re still there. They have this whole ceremony of sending you off to your dorm room to mark it too. The whole thing feels a little surreal afterwards.

I guess that’s the real reason why we end up staying up so late watching old shows, we want it to feel like high school again. Everything else after all is still the same, we’re the only ones that have changed. We just want to feel like we belong here again.

Coming home from college is hard, you realize you have a family again that nags you. It’s quite a game changer. There are big changes involved that you don’t necessarily realize at the time. But then you’re back at school and it’s all good again. Well, mostly.

Sources for my science-y paragraph

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