I needed a bit of a break from Ace and the heavy stuff that comes with examining your identity, so I finally got around to reading Through the Moon. This is a graphic novel that accompanies the Netflix animated series “The Dragon Prince.” The events of Through the Moon take place in between season 3 (which is out now) and season 4 (which is not out yet, ugh). I absolutely adored “The Dragon Prince” and I write specifically about the show here.
So the biggest weakness of Through the Moon is also its greatest strength. The book really only functions as a small tidbit to hold us all over until the next season. It is pretty short, only took me an hour or so to get through, and I doubt that newcomers to the franchise would be drawn in by this. Not much background is given about the characters or to the situation that they are in, so you would have to be familiar with the story already. Having said all that, honestly diving straight into the story is all I wanted and needed out of this book. I doubt many people would be reading it if they don’t know the show.
The art in general I thought paled in comparison to the tv show. There are some pages that are quite lovely, but the show is so vibrant and colorful while the images here can seem muted. There also in general seemed to be less detail in these images. It all still looks great, don’t get me wrong, I just in general think that the art of the show is higher quality.
Not much can be said right now since season 4 is not out yet, but I would guess that understanding the events of Through the Moon are going to be quite important. The book talks a lot about how depressed Rayla is without knowing what happened to her parents or to Runaan, and how she thinks Viren is still alive when everyone else has accepted him to be dead. It gives a very different tone from the end of season 3, and sets things up for season 4 very well. It will be interesting to see how they summarize this story up for those who watch the show but did not read this.
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