Sunday, May 19, 2024


Bit of an abbreviated post, I spent the past few weekends at my siblings’ graduation parties. And I thought I might have more thoughts on this process, but I really don’t. I feel like at this point, with grad school and everything, school isn’t that much different from work. I know for me personally, my school right now is research and trying to get teaching experience. And my work will also involve research as well as teaching experience. And I know that isn’t the case for all jobs and things, but it does make the experience of going to a graduation really odd.

In some ways, it feels like an arbitrary time point marking the end of another arbitrary time point. Especially with research, it’s just some point you decide that you’re done and ready to move onto the next time. Similar with semesters, it marks the passage of time and I really like that, but there’s no hard and fast rule that a class is supposed to last that long.

So indeed, time continues to pass. Hopefully someday I’ll be able to graduate as well.

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