Saturday, June 15, 2024


 The journey that I have gone on with conferences has been interesting. I feel like I have a pretty solid love/hate relationship with conferences now, but it has been a journey in how I think about science and talking to people about science.

During my postbac I went to a single conference and I told myself I had to make the most of it and the fact that I was there and went to everything. And I was exhausted and burnt out by the end. It was also over a weekend so we got back and I immediately had to go to work Monday morning. I did not enjoy that experience for sure.

After that I started graduate school and the pandemic started so it was like I had nothing better to do than to go to these conferences. Also I was able to watch a conference session in my pajamas with ice cream so I didn't fully hate that experience. Once things opened up again I was a little late jumping on the conference train so once I started going I was excited, but I started having a healthier relationship to it. I took time off, I went to what I was interested in and also saw the town and whatever. I did want to have conversations with people and get feedback though, and would go to all of the networking things to chat.

Now though if I'm going I'm doing the bare minimum. I am so close to graduating, I just need to do what I have to do and get out. I'm not looking for feedback, I'm not interested in your thoughts, I get in and get out.

I'm heading to another conference next week. I think it'll be fun, but I also just want to relax so badly.

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