Wednesday, October 2, 2024

This Is Beautiful: Fight Night

 So went to my first play of the academic year, and it was a lot of fun and also thought provoking! "Fight Night" is a play about elections, and it manages to be incredibly political while not mentioning politics at all (that's how it was described to me and I was confused but that statement is 100% accurate now that I've seen it). 

The play has 5 candidates, and you start by voting for which one you think looks cool, then they start talking about values and things like that and you keep voting. The first round they are able to combine votes though, and there's other surprises like a blind vote and such. I was curious how much actually changes when you vote though, with the combining votes they could get the same person off every time. And by the end the candidates were all suggesting different ways of doing things that seemed distinct from what they said earlier on. I'm not sure. But it doesn't make you think about voting, and the importance of voting too. 

Anyways I'm a huge fan of art that you can participate in, so this was cool for me. And its clearly making a political statement, so can't fault them for not trying to say something. Ended up being a cool night out!

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