Wednesday, March 5, 2025

This Is Beautiful: Med School Smoker

 Ok so unique to the school that I'm at (I think) the med school students each year put on a silly show mocking the school and the faculty. I had never been, it's one of those things that I think is cool for sure, but I wouldn't go unless I knew someone in it. And I finally knew someone, one of my lab mates was acting in the show. It was so fun! All the music was parodies of existing music, and the plot was just Scooby Doo characters running around. But there was some great stuff here, the pit musicians and some singers were amazing! The dancing was not good at all (sigh), but that was my main complaint. 

The plot itself was also pretty good, they made the deans of the school the villains and called them out on giving themselves raises while the med school students have to pay too much tuition. I do have to wonder if this is an established route for med school students to call out authority and then they don't do it elsewhere in ways that actually impact them, but I might be overthinking it. But I was surprised that there was so much about how students are overworked and pay too much, while the administration of the school gets rich. 

Anyways, this was a ton of fun and I almost wish that I started going earlier! I hope my lab mate is able to keep doing this so I keep having a reason to attend.

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