Wednesday, September 11, 2019

This Is Beautiful: Steven Universe the Movie

Alright so the Steven Universe movie came out on Sept. 2nd. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this, but I love it enough that it for sure qualifies as something beautiful.


Ok so the basic plot of the movie is that Steven is a teen now and returning to his life on Earth. But then a mysterious gem shows up, sticks a poisonous injector into the Earth, and slashes the Crystal Gems with something that returns them to their original selves, with no memory of the past few years. Steven also slashes the new gem with this. Steven realizes that he has to re-enact the Crystal Gems' memories to bring them back. Pearl remembers the new gem as Spinel, Pink Diamond's old playmate. Spinel tells Steven that she did this because she was abandoned by Pink Diamond once Pink left for Earth. Steven befriends her, and the other diamonds end up taking Spinel back to Homeworld with them since she needs a home and they want something to remind them of Pink.

Here's the good things: seeing Steven go through his relationship with the Crystal Gems is hella cute. Also Pearl pops out and starts serving Greg which is hilarious. And the music is top-notch. I also just think that it's really nice that you can go into this movie knowing nothing about the series and get a run-down of all that's happened. So would highly recommend.

All of the things I think are iffy have to do with the ending. Spinel's change of heart just seems... unrealistic to me. Steven didn't really do anything to earn it and it's a pretty hard about face. I expected Steven to use his power of love or something to help her start recovering from her last disastrous friendship, but he didn't seem to do anything to trigger it. Yes it's a kids show and it can't get that complicated, but this doesn't seem deserved for him. And then the diamonds just kinda swoop in like a sort of deus ex machina... That seemed very forced as well. Having to navigate keeping Spinel on Earth would have been more complicated, but more rewarding.

I would still highly recommend because it's wonderful and beautiful and touching and hilarious. But the ending just left me flat. Apparently we are getting more episodes soon, so maybe that will resolve my issues? I have no idea though.

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