Saturday, June 13, 2015


Ok so here’s the thing about Obama declaring June to be LGBTQ month, it’s a good idea, I fully support it, but it also completely ignores asexuals. And I get it, I understand why, but I’m still not happy about it.

So the way I understand it, there are two main ways of thinking about asexuals and the greater LGBTQ community. Either people think that they don’t belong because they aren’t discriminated against the way that gay or trans people are, or they do belong because screw heteronormativity.

And I completely understand why having a pride month would go with the former method of thought, especially since Obama is trying to frame it as a way to recognize those who are discriminated against in society.

But completely ignoring asexuals isn’t helping anything really.

By not acknowledging an entire group of people, you are effectively excluding them from a group that they should be a part of. And creating a rift in the community itself.

Asexuals feel alienated enough as it is, due to both heteronormativity and allonormativity (allosexuals are people who feel sexual attraction). Excluding them from the LGBTQA community only extends this.

And if the endgame here is to raise awareness of all sexual orientations, then asexuals should be included anyways. Because they don’t get enough awareness as it is.

So that’s my thoughts on this subject, again I get why this problem exists, I just am really unhappy about it.

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