Saturday, September 12, 2015

An American in Glasgow-Initial Adventures

So I made it to the University of Glasgow in Scotland! My mom and I flew in through Dublin and spent the day there, then went to Glasgow. Dublin was awesome, we took a tour of Trinity College and saw the Book of Kells. The Book of Kells is a really old copy of the gospels, nearly all Celtic designs originated from it.

Then we also visited the Guinness Storehouse. I'm not a huge fan of beer, so I just found it amazing that people were this interested in it. But the top of the building had a nice view of the city and made some good pictures.

Once we made it to Glasgow we got a little lost on the way to my flat. I'm in university accommodations, but they use a whole bunch of different buildings so I just had an intersection. But we found it in the end. I have a roommate and share a kitchen and a bathroom with a few other rooms. It's only international students now, but once everyone gets here I can imagine that we'd have to fight for the showers.

The main building on campus is beautiful! The cloisters are a popular picture place, and for pretending that you're Harry Potter at Hogwarts. One girl on my campus tour said that they wanted to use the university for Hogwarts in the films, but they would have to be working during finals so it didn't get used.

On a related note, apparently Ashton Lane, a cute side street, inspired Diagon Alley for J.K. Rowling. It's adorable, it has a few pubs and even a movie theater on it!

One other adorable part of the city is the subway system. It's just a circle around the city, and you pick which direction you want to go in. The cars are also pretty small and very nice. I didn't imagine this city to be so cute!

So far I’ve mostly been using my time to explore the city. This week was international orientation, but I’ve been finding that the university is pretty hands off. Which is fine because I enjoy being on my own, but I’m also finding that I’m having the same thoughts that I had during freshman orientation at college in the states. Which is mostly freaking out that I’ll have no friends because it’s been a few days and I haven’t met my soul mate yet. Just need to keep telling myself that I have to take it easy and everything will be ok. It always is in the end.

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