Friday, December 25, 2015

Travelling Solo During the Holidays Kinda Sucks

Since today is Christmas, here’s a depressing post about what it’s like travelling during the holidays.

I don’t usually get the holiday blues. In fact, my usual attitude towards Christmas is a mix of Scrooge and Linus; I don’t like all the hype that surrounds it. But this year it kind of got to me, for various reasons.

First of all, the holiday season is all about being happy and with family and all that nonsense. I’m solitary by nature and not really given to that kind of sentimentality. This year I think it pushed me over the edge.

I think the main reason was the fact that I was alone for the majority of the time. I’ve been travelling solo, which is great because you can do what you want, but it sometimes does get lonely. As a result, I’m not that close to people here, and my home friends are together and far away from me. And then there’s also my family, but they’re pretty far as well. And on top of all that, I just said goodbye to my friends in Scotland and am missing them a lot.

I’m stuck in a kind of limbo where I don’t want to leave my friends here, but I really want to see my friends back home. It makes it pretty hard to be alone because then I’m missing both groups, and with anyone because I’m missing someone.

And it’s starting to hit me that it’s going to be a while until I am home again, since I’m travelling in January. Which is sad, because that’s where I really want to be now.

Having said all that, I know that this is also a passing thing that will leave once the holidays are over. I’d be surprised if I don’t get my energy back and get back into the swing of things past New Years, it’s hard to be sad when you know that there’s a whole world out there to see.

So merry Christmas and happy holidays in your respective language/culture, but also pour one out for those poor souls that are alone and feel pressured to be happy when they aren’t. Because you’re never alone. <3

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