Saturday, January 24, 2015

The World Ends With You Analysis

Part 2 of my TWEWY obsession. Spoilers below, you have been warned!

I’ll just explain the general physics/philosophy behind this game. So there are different planes of existence, each with it’s own vibe. By increasing or decreasing the vibe of a person, they can pass to different planes. More power generally means a higher vibe. That’s why the Angels are so powerful and therefore live on a higher plane. It’s also how Joshua travels around, as the Composer he has a lot of power on his hands and therefore can travel a lot. And that power is then restricted when he has to lower his vibe to get into the UG or the RG. The game also goes with the multi-verse theory which is that there isn’t one master storyline of events, each choice creates a new universe of events. So there’s a world where Shibuya really is destroyed, just as there’s one where Tin Pin Slammer reigns supreme. Then there’s Soul, or Imagination (I think the two are interchangeable). Soul is what makes each person unique and is their power. Neku has a lot of Soul, that’s why he can use all of the pins whereas Shiki only has Mr. Mew. Soul can be bound in different forms, like Rhyme’s was put into a pin and then her Noise called from it. Once you are erased, your Soul is then forced to roam free, you essentially become Noise. I think that’s all of the important points covered.

One pretty basic aspect of this game that I think is really intricate is how the different brands correspond to the animals of the zodiac. There’s D+B (which stands for Dangerous Buffalo) for the ox, Natural Puppy for the dog, Pavo Real (which means peacock in Spanish) for the rooster, Mus Rattus for the rat, Jupiter of the Monkey for the monkey, Hip Snake for the snake, Sheep Heavenly for the goat, Tigre Punks for the tiger, Dragon Couture for the dragon, Lapin Angelique (rabbit in French) for the rabbit, Pegaso for the horse, Wild Boar for the pig, and Gatito for the cat who was left out of the zodiac. (There are various stories about that.) Each brand also tries to capture the essence of the characteristics of the zodiac, which I think is pretty cool.

Another interesting tidbit is that the Gatito pins often have images of graffiti on them that can be seen around Shibuya. The Over the Top set (righty brainy lefty cat pins) can be seen at Udagawa and Towa Records. The Eden set is in a mural before the Room of Reckoning (looks like a cat). The Darklit Planets are in various places: Jupiter is in Udagawa in Joshua’s memory and before the Room of Reckoning, Venus and Saturn are in the Miyashita underpass. I haven’t been able to find the others or the Nexus Ray set (Big Bang and Crunch) or the Irregular Note set (wind wood flame mount). The Irregular Note set does portray see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil, and do no evil though.

There’s a lot of symbolism in this game. One of the more obvious ones is that Joshua is a Jesus figure (which are always debatable). I mean he sacrifices himself for Neku, turns out to be running the whole show, and he way he fights has been nicknamed “Jesus beams”. In addition to all that, Jesus’ actual non-Anglican name is Joshua, so the writers were probably trying to evoke him in some way.

There’s also a ton of music parallels. Which I really like. The whole hierarchy of the Reapers is based on music and music production. The Composer is the top leader, he essentially makes all decisions. Then there’s the Conductor, who carries them out and does the real work. There’s also the Producer, who helps them both (not sure what his real duties include though…). In the Noise Report, the Reapers are also referred to as tenor, bari, bass, so they are the musicians performing the work. And then there’s the Noise, disrupting the music and needing to be taken care of. I really love this whole system, as a musician.

One of the most symbolic parts is the path to the Room of Reckoning and the Shibuya River. It starts with the Trail of the Sinner, then the Rubicon where the Shibuya River actually is. The Rubicon is often referred to as the point of no return (it gets this from the river Ceasar crossed, but that’s unrelated) and is the last point to turn back in Beat, Day 7. In Another Day, Joshua compares it to the Styx or Archeron (which is from Dante’s Inferno) since it basically leads to the Underworld of Shibuya (which here means where souls are judged since dead people are all over Shibuya in the UG). It’s funny, Neku’s response to this is “Does this look like Greece to you?” and the real Rubicon river is in Italy. From there, it’s the Trail of the Bygone (I take to mean, past the point of return) and into the Dead God’s Pad. I’m not sure who the Dead God is, could be the Composer, or it’s also suggested that it’s CAT. I could see it going either way. People seem to assume that it’s Joshua, since he’s dead and the Composer is basically God (and the CAT comment could be part of that trail of red herrings saying the same thing). But I’m not so sure since it’s never confirmed either way. Then there’s Trail of the Judged, which has CAT art all over it. The name indicates that the judging took place in the Dead God’s pad, which means that the Reaper meetings to decide the end of the Game take place there. Then finally there’s the Room of Reckoning, where the Composer sits and rules Shibuya. Names indicate that this is where the punishment is handed out, and the end of the game rewards/punishment given (which is consistent with the scenes in the game). What I find interesting is that the Eden set of pins refer to a boy defeating 5 kings and a “chamber of reckoning” where a goddess rewards him with her Light. I guess this refers to Neku defeating the 3 Game Masters plus the Conductor and the Composer? But then who is this goddess? And does that make the Room of Reckoning Eden?

There’s so much complexity to this game that it can’t be summed up in a few blog posts. And there’s so many questions remaining about the world that it takes place in. What we really need is a sequel providing more answers to these questions!

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