Friday, April 29, 2016

More Circus Props!

My personal favorite prop right now is the leviwand! It is essentially a stick on a string that is weighted to stay vertical as you wave it around. It is so much fun to dance around with, and it is very easy to find your own style as you experiment. There are two kinds: short and long string. Short string is what most people do, the string is about as long as the stick itself and it makes it easy to do tricks. Long strings can be super long, but can be incredible to watch as well.

Video is here.

There’s also fans. Sounds self-explanatory and simple, but since this prop is flat there are some really cool visual tricks you can do with them. You can also adapt a bunch of poi moves for this prop. (It's literally a pair of fans, not much more than that.)

Another prop is rope dart. It is basically a poi with a really long rope attached to it. You can wrap this around yourself and fling it out far. (It isn’t too different from long string leviwand really.)

Contact juggling is a strange one. Since it is juggling, you would expect it to involve throwing things or something. Nope, the point here is that the ball stays in contact with you most of the time. It creates plenty of opportunities for illusions.

Double hoops is a mix of hoop and poi. It is what it sounds like, you get two hoops and do tricks with them. I think it’s fun, makes a nice change from hoop and poi.

Double staves is similar to double hoops, except you have two staffs instead of two hoops. Again, pretty similar to poi, but since it is sticks instead of rope you can make different patterns.

Diabolo is also a circus prop, also known as Chinese yoyo. This is one of those toys where the majority of people doing this are really good 10-year-olds. I find it really hard, but you can judge for yourself.

Devil sticks is another one that people usually try when they’re younger. But there are a bunch of cool tricks you can do with these! The more sticks the merrier, and here we have three!

That's most of the obscure ones that I can think of, maybe if more pop up I'll make another post. I might go more in depth with leviwand since that's what I've been most interested in lately, and it is a relatively new prop as far as circus props go.

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