Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Struggles of Getting a Science Summer Internship

So here’s the deal, I’ve been trying since January to get a summer job in a science related field, and have had zero luck. Now I’m not positive, but I think my struggles are due to a few factors.

First of all, most lab positions require a mentor, someone who runs the lab and is willing to take you on. You have to match to this person, they have to want to hire you, and you have to want to work with them. As a result, you could be incredibly qualified for this position, but if there isn’t a lab you would work well in you aren’t going to get anywhere. It is really frustrating to hear back from so many people “you were very qualified, but unfortunately our final decisions were based on a match with various mentors.” Wonderful, thanks gents.

Another reason is that so much of society is based on results, while in research if you get results you got really lucky. That is why so many people take forever to get a PhD, they have to put in hundreds of hours throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks before they start seeing results. So on a resume, it will definitely look good if you published a paper or did a poster presentation or anything like that, but the opportunity to do that is based entirely on luck and whether you found anything of scientific value.

Finally, applying for anything is a really tough process. You write a cover letter, but that never truly shows your potential and work ethic. I grant that it is probably the best these universities can do, but applications can’t and never will totally show the entire student applying. I am willing to bet that incredibly capable students (similar to me) get rejected all the time simply because of the applicant pool. It’s disgustingly similar to applying to college.

Moral of the story I guess is to just not take it personally and keep trying. Don’t give up, many people have been in this position and many more will be here as well!

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