Friday, May 12, 2017

Blast from the Past

Today I was given a video of myself from four years ago, which I made as a sort of time capsule my freshman year. Watching it was strange, I knew that it was myself, but it also felt like this was my child in a strange way. I just wanted to tell past me that everything would be ok and give her a hug.

Funnily enough though, I think that she comforted me more and I could comfort her. Somehow in my wisdom I opened the message with “you did good, you have done a great job” and ended it with “if you’re happy, I’m happy” which nearly brought me to tears. I had no possible idea of what I was going to do then, but I was determined that it would be good.

And turns out that my plans didn’t change that much, I knew what I was going to major and minor in and my friends are mostly the same. You can tell though that I am also completely different now, just visually even. My glasses are different, my hair went from a ponytail to almost a pixie, and I had a necklace on in that video that my roommate gave me. So just the experience of seeing past me was a bit of a jolt, I forgot that was what I looked like.

Probably the most interesting part of the video though was when I was just talking about my day. Just getting a glimpse into my life was fascinating. That day I had class, then went to register my friend’s car, then had a meeting about an act I was working on (my first act, wow time flies), and after this I was going to talk to a professor about working in her lab. This professor is now my advisor, and I am still working in her lab! The progression of everything from then until now is incredible, because here I am as the finished project, while back then it was just the seeds.

There isn’t a big message or anything that I wanted to communicate with this post, other than the fact that it is fascinating to see yourself from years ago. And I wish I had the foresight to do that more often, because past me left a video about 10 minutes long but I could watch her for hours. It was a really pleasant surprise this morning. 😊

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