Wednesday, January 9, 2019

This Is Beautiful: Plants

Plants! Big plants! Small plants! Plants are great.

I started adopting small succulents my senior year of college because for some reason I kept finding abandoned ones around campus. Currently I have a small succulent named "Hardy" because it said that on his plant sign thing, and a Hawaiian plant named Lili after the last queen of Hawaii. (Read about her here if you are so inclined.)

Taking care of plants is great, you are responsible for a living thing, but it isn't a living thing you have to worry about wandering away or cleaning up after it or anything. It just needs water and sunlight, two rather easy things to provide. Succulents require even less care since you don't need to water them that often and the temperature doesn't bother them much.

What I've really grown to love about plants is how the progress takes a while to see. I've had both of these plants for over a year and every once in a while it strikes me how much they have grown while I've had them. And having that long-term progress is a unique kind of reward that we don't get often in this immediate gratification world.

Plants are awesome! Go buy a plant! Give it a silly name! It'll love you!

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