Saturday, September 19, 2020

Dancing at Home

 This is nothing new for me, but I decided to write about it.

So because of lockdown I have started having to take dance classes from my tiny kitchen. And it's really strange. I have yet to get over how strange it is. Something is just very out of place about dancing in the middle of my kitchen.

Ballet started as the dance of the gods originally. It is very formal, every part of your body must be controlled and mastered in order to create a specific shape. It's an art form passed down over years of teaching and performance. 

And now I'm doing it in the middle of my dirty, cluttered kitchen. It wasn't so bad over the summer when I wasn't part of a formal class so I could wear shorts and a tank top. Now I'm dancing in full ballet regalia (think tights, leotard, and hair in a bun) in my dirty, cluttered kitchen. Great.

This pandemic has forced us in a lot of ways to do activities in different locations. Usually in our own homes. We have to take these fancy techniques and bring them into the mundane. It creates a certain cognitive dissonance. Now our houses aren't just where we live and come back to at night, it's a dance studio, workout room, office, and bedroom. 

I should really clean my kitchen.

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