Saturday, July 2, 2016

"How to Fight a Dragon’s Fury" by Cressida Cowell

I finally got my hands on the finale to the How to Train Your Dragon book series. (It involved sneaking around the kids section of the library trying not to look out of place when I’m about 3 times the size of the rest of the people in there.)

Disclaimer: not the same as the movie. The books and the movies have taken pretty different paths, even though I think they are going to end up in the same place in the end. To be perfectly honest, I love them both and usually I prefer the books but in this case the movies are so well done that I enjoy all of them. To me they’re essentially separate entities, the differences between them don’t detract from the fact that they’re amazing and have dragons!

In the final book of the series there are plenty of characters who come back, which is nice. Seeing as how the book series is 12 books long, there are several characters who come and go, and it is almost a requirement of children’s series that they all make an appearance towards the end. Which is good if you really like a character that appeared in say, Book 6, but haven’t seen them since.

One thing I will say about this book is that it has less sass than the other installments since this one is focused on the plot. The whole point of this book is how Hiccup deals with the upcoming war between dragons and humans, so it is understandable that humor would take a backseat here. But don’t worry, there’s still sassy moments and funny dialogue, it’s just less present than the other books in the series.

And of course it explains why there aren’t dragons around anymore, which is what the entire series has been leading up to. Which is so much more emotional than I thought it would be, the ending in general is really poetic and well written. It blew me away since I was not expecting something like that from this series. A wonderful, heart-felt conclusion, you can really tell that this whole work was a labor of love from Cowell.

Again, I’d like to publicly apologize for having this series take over my life, it means such a ridiculous amount to me. I’m so sad that it’s over, but there’s still another movie coming out!

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