Saturday, July 23, 2016

“Sharp Objects” by Gillian Flynn

So I found this book at a book swap (I love those so much) and figured I’d give it a shot since it’s the same author as Gone Girl and everyone seemed to like that. (Disclosure: I’ve never read Gone Girl so I don’t actually know how good it is.)

This book is a pretty quick read, and centers around two child murders in a small, Southern town. The main character is a reporter who is covering the murders, and in doing so needs to return to her hometown where they took place. This turns out to be an unhealthy decision as she doesn’t get on too well with her family.

This is compounded by the fact that she also recently got out of a psych hospital for cutting words into her skin, which makes for a unique narrative since she is constantly describing how different words are “burning” into her body at times. This words then translate how she’s feeling or what she is thinking about into something physical, which adds an interesting layer to her psyche.

Honestly though, besides the protagonist it is really hard to like any of the characters, the rest are just idiots that she’s stuck dealing with.

Since this is a mystery, the ending is not one that you would expect. But looking back on it, that is the direction that the plot was going in the whole time, so it makes sense and flows naturally from the story.

So this is a good mystery and/or thriller novel with an engaging and memorable narrator, the rest is pretty ehhhh.

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