Wednesday, March 4, 2020

This Is Beautiful: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week

This is late, but the week after Valentine's Day was Aro Spectrum Awareness Week! I'd only started identifying as aro-spectrum this summer, so it technically was my first one of being out and about with it. And too be honest it was really lovely, I can't stand Valentine's Day so the contrast really made it all the better.

In case you don't know, aromantic refers to people who do not experience romantic attraction. Aros may still want to date and have partners, and are still capable of forming really important friendships and bonds with other people. Personally, I am gray-romantic, so I am somewhere in between being aromantic and being not. This can mean different things to different people, but for me it's primarily this feeling that I don't experience romantic attraction the way most people do. I rarely get crushes, often have a hard time figuring out that I have one, and then have a really hard time getting over them because these feelings are so rare for me. So there's a brief introduction to the aromantic community, go educate yourself and learn more. :)

The main way I celebrated the week was with a hang out session! Me and a bunch of other a-spec people organized a low-key snacks and games hang out which was a ton of fun! The aro community is so small that it's rare we all get together, if we planned more frequent things then no one would show up haha. But it's so nice when we're all there, because we all just get it. You don't have to explain yourself to these people and we can all relax and be ourselves and joke about our orientations.

Hope you all had a nice Aro Awareness Week! Or a nice week of Feb. 17th if not.

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