Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Long Haul

It's sort of set in during the past week that we are in this quarantine for the long haul. And when we emerge, life is probably going to look very different. I'm not sure how, or if these effects will actually last, but it's going to be different for a very long time.

I'm not even sure how it's going to look different honestly. I bet there will be a lot more germaphobes for sure, and I bet this will all get blamed on somebody. I really hope that it's the current administration, but I suspect they will pick a certain demographic as a scapegoat. Maybe we'll be more suspicious of large crowds. I bet it'll feel strange to go back to in person classes and things like that.

What even will our mind spaces be like in the summer when we can emerge? I bet I'm going to be a total wack job by then, having been shut inside for like 4 months. Hopefully not, but I can see it really easily.

It's just... It's starting to set in that there is no going back to before the pandemic. Life is going to look radically different for a while now. And that's hard to process because I don't know what that will be or how I'll feel about it. So there's no real way to prepare, just have to expect there to be change.

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