Saturday, February 13, 2021

“Debugging Your Brain” by Casey Watts!

My friend wrote a book! It’s a small one to be sure, more like a pocket guide than anything else, but it’s a real legit book and even that is hard to get out there these days. 

It feels so strange calling him Watts so I’m just going to go with Casey. Casey has a background in neuroscience and computer science, and this book is a perfect blend of both disciplines. Essentially he lays out techniques that treat your brain like a computer in order to “debug” it, or just help it function better. Like I said, this is a quick read, but it lays out the steps very clearly and succinctly, as well as giving recommendations for additional reading.

Essentially, this is a guide for how to train yourself to respond more helpfully to frustrating situations. The process boils down to causing introspection, thinking about what a rational reaction would be, and developing this process as a habit. All steps are very clearly explained, with citations and explanations of the neuroscience behind the concepts.

Honestly I found all of these practices super useful! Most self-help books you read aren’t very practical, or useful really, in everyday life. Casey’s instructions come with built in with examples of ways to use it, and suggested exercises to implement it in your life. So I thought it was an excellent read all around.

Support independent authors and publishers! Check this book out, it doesn’t cost much!

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