Wednesday, October 17, 2018

This Is Beautiful: Community Bands

So I don't think I've mentioned this, but I am in a community band. Have been since I graduated. And it's wonderful honestly. I've been playing saxophone since middle school, and I definitely wanted to keep it as part of my life. I just wasn't sure how much of it I would be able to do outside of a school setting.

Then I found this wonderful group to play with, they have a concert band, swing band, and a marching band over the summer. And I just think that there's something so beautiful about a bunch of adults with day jobs coming together to make music. Because none of us are getting paid for this or are turning it into our career, we are all simply here because we like making music and it adds meaning to our lives.

Doing things just for the love of it is so underrated. People ooh and aah over the professionals, but I think it's the amateurs that need more love. They don't need to be doing what they're doing, they just want to learn and grow in a different way. And in my opinion everyone needs an outlet of some variety that they aren't getting paid to do. For me that's anything that lets me be more creative and create some form of art, specifically band mainly. I have a friend who designs t-shirts though, and another who is into pottery.

So support and fund your local community band. Go see their concerts, give them money. They are working their butts off to practice and put on these events, and they certainly don't have to be doing it. Go give them some love.

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