Saturday, December 1, 2018

Variations on a Theme: Science

I mainly picked this theme because I am a scientist and wanted an excuse to look at science songs. Turns out that most songs about science are the same, it’s mostly that science explains a lot but can’t explain love and attraction yada yada. Or it’s silly songs about scientific concepts. So here’s a mix of both!

1. “Science is Real” by They Might Be Giants

How is this still relevant? Louder for the people in the back “SCIENCE IS REAL!”

2. “The Element Song” by Tom Lehrer

This is just silly, but here’s all of the elements of the periodic table in case you were curious.

3. “NaCl” by Kate and Anna McGariggle

The lyrics to this song are quite creative. Instead of using science to discuss human love, here they sing about the love between the two atoms within NaCl. It’s very cute, putting human emotions on the small particles of the universe.

Some good ol disco for you. It’s got a great beat for bopping your shoulders to, and it’s basically an anthem for any nerd who has tried to flirt and mostly confused the other person. SCIENCE!

5. “Science and Faith” by The Script

A classic example of the “science can’t explain love” trope. It contrasts science, where you only trust the facts, with faith, where you just have to believe sometimes. And that doesn’t mean that one is more real than the other! It’s also a good song, with a very singable melody and catchy chorus.

6. “Science Fiction” by the Arctic Monkeys

Fresh off of their most recent album, this is a bit of an odd song. I never quite feel like I “get” what it is. Which is an interesting sensation, usually you can place songs almost instantly. I think it’s worth a listen, and possibly a look at the lyrics.

7. “The Scientist” by Coldplay

Classic Coldplay, before they sold out and went to shit. I mostly remember everyone on American Idol performing this at some point, but it remains a good song and a good throwback. Again, it’s about a scientist trying to make sense of a relationship.

8. “Quantum Theory” by Jarvis Cocker

Here’s an interesting take on a scientific concept. No you won’t learn that much about quantum mechanics from it, but it’s got a good beat and the lingo it uses is accurate.

9. “Blinded by Science” by Foreigner

Hmm title is remarkably similar to an earlier song on the playlist… Similar theme here too funnily enough. Foreigner’s take on it though is less campy and less disco and more rock n roll.

10. The CRISPR/Cas-9 song by A Capella Science

This is probably my favorite science song. I just hope to someday make something this beautiful. CRISPR/Cas-9 technology rocked the genetics world when it dropped and it really hasn’t been the same since. The lyrics (a parody of “Mr. Sandman”) are genius and very accurate to what is actually happening, and the arrangement is beautiful. Show this to all of your science friends!

That’s all for this month folks! Stay tuned, next we will be covering Cover Songs! This will be an entire playlist of songs performed by people who did not originally put the song out! (I'm fascinated by covers, mainly because it pushes the boundaries of originality and brings up some cool questions, but this will just be fun songs to listen to.)

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