Wednesday, November 20, 2019

This is Beautiful: Why I'm Sending This To You

I've talked before about the "I Wrote This For You" project and how much I love it, as well as the corresponding book. Well the makers of that are back with a new free e-book, "Why I'm Sending This To You." (If you click the link, it should let you download it.)

I don't know how, but somehow this author always seems to know when I'm having a tough time and need to see something wholesome. Because a big part of why I adore this is that I saw it at just the right time and place where I needed to know that there was someone out there caring about other people.

It's also just such a good example of using art to send out a positive message to the world. Not enough people are doing that.

And the handwriting on the images! It makes it look as though this was hand crafted, personally, for you. Not enough handwriting these days, now it's all typed out and impersonal. A really excellent detail that makes all of the difference.

I hope that this helps you if you need it. Pass it forward, let's take this love and spread it around.

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