Saturday, April 11, 2020

Michigan Weather

I just have nothing really to say about the continued quarantine, like we're just here and this is where we're going to be and nothing has really changed on that front. However, watching my window all day has made me realize that Michigan weather is really a temperamental thing.

Just as an example, it's April now, and on Thursday it was hailing on and off all day. Yes little frozen bits of water were falling from the sky and smacking my window. But every once in a while it would stop and you'd see some sunshine. It's either 0 or it's 100, there is no in between!

Also we had snow the first week of quarantine. That was fascinating to watch. It was the end of March then, so not that out of the ordinary, but relative to the rest of the world I think it was unusual.

And then there were the first two days of sun last weekend, followed immediately by utter blackness the next Tuesday. Seriously, I haven't been turning the lights on in my apartment to use the sun and save electricity, I had to turn them on that morning.

Having said all this though, we had a pretty mild winter. It wasn't frozen all the time, and we didn't get buried in the snow. It's just so funny to watch this all play out while I'm working, and realize how out of touch with the weather I've been before. Hope it's nice where you are!

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