Wednesday, April 29, 2020

This Is Beautiful: Animal Crossing

Yup I did it, I finally bought "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" and it is every bit as great as all the hype suggests. It's a peaceful escape to a world where the main objective is to make friends, find creatures, and learn more about the world around you. Yes it is also fundamentally capitalist and can be exploitative of nature, but it's a game and there's only so much it can do. (Having said that I would LOVE a radical left-wing Animal Crossing would that just be living with all of the characters and having 0 objectives? Sounds amazing.)

Great features of this game include how you can design all of your own clothes and you don't need to even pick a gender for your lil avatar! It's turned into a vehicle for self-expression and affirmation which is lovely to see. Many gamers online are taking advantage of this which is just wonderful.

Oh and I said that one of the key objectives is to find new critters for museums and things. As a biologist, I LOVE that learning about the world around you is a part of this game. I bet kids that grow up with it have an appreciation for nature, even if the game isn't perfect on that front.

If like me, you were planning on traveling this weekend and now can't because of corona, I would highly recommend taking a vacation to your local Animal Crossing island. It's an alright substitute. :)

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