Wednesday, August 13, 2014

“Where’d You Go, Bernadette?” and My Fate

Where’d You Go, Bernadette? By Maria Semple is a really good book, very witty and entertaining. Of course, it came out around the same time as Gone Girl so not that many people paid that much attention to it, which is unfortunate.

It’s the story of a mother, Bernadette, who is basically having a bit of a breakdown over living in Seattle with a neighborhood full of people that she doesn’t like. Her husband and daughter try to help, but she ends up running away. So her daughter, Bee, takes it upon herself to find her mother and discover why and where she went.

The story is told through documents that Bee has found, such as emails and letters, and also some narration from Bee herself. Bernadette’s quirkiness, as well as her feud with a neighboring wife, come to life through Bee’s compilation.

It’s pretty hilarious to read, everyone’s a character and has some part to play in Bee’s goal of finding her mom.

What I realized while reading it, is that I’m just like Bernadette! I can’t stand most people, and if I had to become a housewife, I’m pretty sure it would increase by 3294739847%. I’d probably run away just like her! Which is pretty scary, realizing that you are a Bernadette waiting to happen. I just identified with her really well, which is a testament to the author’s ability to create a believable character.

So yeah, check this book out, if you want a glimpse of me in 30 years, or just want to read and giggle at the same time for a little.

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